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Student Services

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Parkway College constantly seeks to make the students’ study and stay here in Singapore an enriching experience. The Student Admin is the first point of contact for information on non-academic and other student matters.

We also provide the students with the following services:

AStudent Orientation / Induction ProgrammeNew students are briefed on the rules and policies of Parkway College and how to cope with living in Singapore.
BLibraryProvides academic information resources and services.
CAcademic RecordsStudents can obtain a copy of their academic records from Student Admin.
DStudent ID CardStudents will be issued with a Student ID card which identifies you as a Parkway College student. This card serves as the key to a host of services at Parkway College.
ECounselling ServicesStudents can request for counselling services from trained counsellors who will provide emotional support to help students to cope with personal issues, study issues or stress relating to a new and foreign environment.
FMedical ServicesMedical and health services are offered to students through the Student Medical Insurance Scheme by Parkway College appointed insurance provider.
GAccommodationProvides advice on student hostel listings.
HAlumniUpon graduation, the graduate will automatically become a member of Parkway College Alumni.
ILost & Found PropertyFor lost and found items, the student can approach Course Admin for assistance.